Level 1

Refine Qi

By doing this practice we improve the quality of our energy needed for maintaining a higher life quality


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The second basic exercise is called Refine Qi. In Chinese medicine, there is a concept of energy channels, meridians and Dan Tians – “energy fields”. On the first level, we will practice the lower Dantian. It is located in the middle of the abdomen just below the navel. Its function is to transform energy.

There are two ways to increase your own energy. The first is to use certain exercises that allow you to receive this energy from outside as we do in The Big Tree exercise. The second way is to generate the energy inside your body. If we compare it with eating, then the Big Tree exercise is getting nourishment, and Refining Qi is digesting it.

This is a very important and unique exercise. By doing this practice we increase our energy needed for improving the quality of our life.

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1: Relax your whole body and put your hands on your navel.

2: For men – left palm should be on the navel, right hand – outside on the top.

3: For women right hand on the navel, and left hand outside.

4: Close your eyes and relax.

5: Imagine there is a red ball in your lower Dantian.

6: Feel, how it becomes warm, then hot.

7: Keep doing this for 30 minutes.

8: Now let the ball become smaller, and concentrate the red ball in your lower Dantian.

9: Rub your hands and face, pat your head and body.