Increase the ability of the skin to receive oxygen and achieve a deep level of relaxation in the body and mind
Body Breath is an important exercise in the second stage. Absorbing oxygen through the skin is a natural ability of every organism. This practice allows you to increase the ability of the skin to breathe.
As a result, the whole body is filled with oxygen and energy. Also this exercise in a natural way to slow down the work of the lungs. This, in turn, makes the mind calm down and leads to a deep relaxation of the body.
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1: Slowly close your eyes. Relax your whole body.
2: Inhale. Feel your body inhales through the pores.
3: Exhale. Feel the air flowing out through the pores.
4: Do this for 30 minutes.
5: Slowly finish the exercise.
6: Put your hands on the navel, concentrate energy in lower Dantian.
This platform and meditation exercises are created by Kundawell Institute and Master Xu Mingtang using years of research in longevity, health and mindfulness practices. Use, distribution or alteration of these tutorials without approval of Kundawell Institute is not allowed.